Savior’s Hide // Skyrim
Completed: July 2013
Worn to: San Diego Comic Con ’13
I have been wanting to make a Skyrim costume from the second I picked up the videogame. In fact, I want to make hundreds of Skyrim costumes – the game is just so massive and so jam-packed full of amazing characters, armor, and weapons that…dear god, I just want to dress like a marauding barbarian warrior forever!
I’m not going to lie – I went a bit insane the week before SDCC and decided to just bite the bullet and make a Skyrim costume. I’d been looking over some reference images of the Savior’s Hide armor and really wanted to bring it into reality. Initially, I thought that making a full armor corset (that doesn’t really seem to have a way in or out based on the design in the game) was too big of a challenge for me to take on. But, as I started to get more experience with shaping Worbla…I decided, “Eh, heck, why not.” This costume was made in three days and there are still a lot of details that I feel need to be added to truly capture the intricacy of the videogame, so I’ll be adding more to this costume before I wear it again.
I have been a huge admirer of Wind of the Stars Cosplay for YEARS! When I saw that she was bringing her Aela the Huntress costume to SDCC, I jumped at the chance to take some photos with her. Mel graciously agreed to pose with me – and let me just say that her costume is even more incredible and gorgeous in person!
Photos by Geri Kramer Photography – San Diego, CA
- With Wind of the Stars Cosplay